Note the following regions of this specimen. At least one of
them should appear somewhat familiar.
- 1, the main body of the organ, consisting of tubules lined
by rather poorly-fixed epithelium with very little stroma.
- 2, a connective tissue capsule, with septa that reach into
the body.
- 3, a region containing a network of strands of closely-packed
cells with oval nuclei (representing immature epithelially-lined channels)..
- 4, a region containing distinct but irregular tubules.
- 5, a region containing larger, round tubules, lined by stratified
columar epithelium and surrounded by extensive fibrous stroma.
- 6, a region contain numerous vascular channels, both large
and small.
- There's more, but that's enough.
Try to assemble these various elements into a complete description
of one particular organ. You are looking at all of the various
parts of this organ, much more than is included in the reference slide
from the same organ.
More hints.