Historical curiosities
Listed here, in arbitrary alphabetical order, are several points of potential interest which may be found within various entries on the histological eponyms page.
4 basic tissue types Virchow 21 tissue types Bichat Agglomerated granules Bowman Alois Alzheimer Nissl, Brodmann American Civil War Schmidt Amoeba Auerbach Areolar tissue Bichat Author of this website King Body-snatching Schlemm Botanical eponym Zinn "Butterflies of the soul" Cajal Camel red blood cells Boettcher Cancelled eponym Clara Capillaries
Harvey, Malpighi,
Rouget, WallerCataract surgery Jacob Cells, discovery of Hooke Cellphone Bichat Cell Theory Schwann Cholera vibrio Pacini "Cleavability of the cutis" Langer Copyright law Cowper Crayfish neuroanatomy Freud Cripple Creek Lanterman Cytoskeleton Freud Darwin Bowman Diabetes Brunner Eliza Doolittle Henle Elliot, George (novelist) Bichat Epistaxis Little, Kiesselbach Eponym confusion
LanghansEulogium Schmidt Eye surgery Jacob Father of microscopic
Father of histology Bichat Father of modern histology Kölliker Father of modern pathology Virchow First English-language
histology textbookHassall
Font fantasia Cowper French Revolution Bichat
Garden of the Apothecaries Descemet Gewebelehre Bichat, Kölliker Habilitation Bruch Histology sans microscope Bichat Histology, word origin Mayer Infectious disease, theory of Henle Insect metamorphosis Swammerdam Islamic science (13th century) Harvey Kulturkampf Virchow Locke, John (philosopher) Malpighi Lymph vessels Swammerdam Microscope,
development ofHooke, Leeuwenhoek,
Lieberkuhn, KöhlerMicrotome, invention of Purkinje Middlemarch (novel) Bichat Model train Virchow Modesty Leydig Monads Mayer Muscle fibers Bowman Multi-font title page Cowper Naturphilosophie Mayer Nazi medical crime Clara Neuroanatomy
Betz, Brodmann, Cajal,
Deiters, Freud, Golgi,
Held, Nissl, Purkinje,
Ranvier, WallerNeuron Doctrine Cajal, Waldeyer Nobel Prize winners Cajal, Golgi Nosebleeds Little, Kiesselbach Omnis cellula e cellula Virchow Plagiarism Cowper Retinal layers Bowman Royal Society of
LondonBowman, Havers, Kölliker
Leeuwenhoek, MalpighiSchaffhaus School Brunner, Peyer Spicilegium Kerckring "Tissue" vs. "texture" Bichat Toad-vomiting woman Bartholin Tobacco smoking Kerckring Vaccination Havers Vascular injections Hassall, Bertin, Kupffer Wonder glasses Lieberkühn "Zonule" misuse Zinn Zinnias Zinn
Comments and questions: dgking@siu.edu
SIUC / School
of Medicine / Anatomy / David
Last updated: 26 March 2025 / dgk