Misc. notices TikTok one-minute anatomy lectures from AnatomyLove!
by Meadow Campbell, PhD, St. Louis University School of Medicine.
[These short videos can be viewed without using a TikTok app or account.]Core concepts of histology. Common patterns of tissue organization. This "Notes for Unit 4" webpage will remain available on the web.
Pop-up help sessions with Prof. King are invited.
Female tract study guide (Bullet points below are links to topics within this study guide.)
Vulva, vagina, and cervix THIS SECTION IS UNFINISHED.
Compare keratinized vs. non-keratinized epithelium; skin vs. esophagus vs. vagina.
Webpath / female genital pathology index
These images need to be sorted into logical order, and breast carcinoma moved into a new section.
Webpath images Webpath / normal cervix, med X Webpath / Pap smear, high X Webpath / Pap smear, high X Webpath / chronic cervicitis, med X Webpath / dysplasia, low X Webpath / dysplasia, mid X Webpath / dysplasia w/ inflammation, low X Webpath / dysplasia w/ inflammation, med X Webpath / squamous cell carcinoma, low X Webpath / well-differentiated cervical carcinoma, mid X Webpath / vulvar dysplasia w/ hyperkeratosis, low X Webpath / carcinoma-in-situ, high X Webpath / infiltrating carcinoma, low X Webpath / infiltrating carcinoma, medium X Webpath / Webpath / infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast, low X Webpath / infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast, high X Webpath /
Webpath / leiomyosarcoma, high X
Webpath / leiomyosarcoma, low X
Webpath / leiomyosarcoma, high X
Webpath / leiomyoma, high X
Webpath /
Webpath /
Webpath /
Webpath /
Webpath /
Fallopian tube and uterus
Include Nabothian cyst.
Webpath / female genital pathology index
Webpath / acute salpingitis, med X Webpath / ectopic pregnancy, low X Webpath / leiomyoma, low X
- Contents for traditional curriculum
- Image index for this website
- If you have a taste for history, see Eponyms in histology.
Comments and questions: dgking@siu.edu
SIUC / School of Medicine / Anatomy / David King
Last updated: 3 March 2023 / dgk