Welcome to Histology at SIU
This website summarizes the basics of tissue organization in the human body, in extensively hyper-linked notes and images.
This website is maintained by David G. King, currently Associate Professor Emeritus at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, based on 35 years' experience teaching introductory histology.
Dedication: Textbooks and websites (including this one) commonly present information ex cathedra, without historical context, as if it had always existed. But our knowledge of tissues has emerged incrementally over hundreds of years. This website is dedicated to all the researchers, technicians, artists, and teachers who have invented protocols, observed specimens, published discoveries, and shared their understanding. A few of their contributions are acknowledged in this website on the eponyms and historical notes page.
Throughout this website, most thumbnail images are links to larger, labelled images with additional notes. (To browse all images, see the image index.) Accessibility: "Alternative text" for images (i.e., text displayed in place of images) is seldom provided. Most images in this website are micrographs illustrating the accompanying text. That text can be read without regard to the images, except to note that most small "thumbnail" images are themselves links to pages with enlarged images, whose accompanying text in turn describes details within those enlargments. "Alternative text" could do little more than duplicate that accompanying text.
Questions, comments, or error notes are welcome, sent to the email address at the bottom of each page
Contents Image Index
Von Ebner's 1873 drawing of eponymous tissues in the tongue.
- Introduction -- Essentials of histology
- NMB (= SSB)
- Nervous tissue
- skin / muscle / bone & cartilage
- eye / ear.
- Endocrine system
- Reproductive systems: Male / Female
- Gastrointestinal system
- Other tissues NOT represented in this website (partial list)
- Self-Assessment Materials (Multiple-choice Questions and Microscope Slides)
- Eponyms and historical notes: Notable people and events in the history of histology
print resources / access to literature / Image Index
A few external resources
- Virtual slides
- Histology at the University of Michigan, a large collection of specimens for examination by virtual microscopy, as well as introductory exercises.
- Zoomified Virtual Histology offers many tissues for virtual microscopic examination (at Loyola University Medical Education Network LUMEN).
- Histology Guide, a collection of slides for virtual microscopy, with extensive supporting materials (and associated print textbook and atlas). About this website.
- Pathology
- The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education (WebPath), hosted by The University of Utah Eccles Health Sciences Library, is a vast resource of materials related to pathology, including many micrographs of normal and pathological specimens.
- University of Michigan, pathology specimens, a large pathology collection for examination by virtual microscopy.
- Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds, searchable collection of pathology specimens for examination by virtual microscopy.
- The Pathology Guy: Ed "the Pathguy" Friedlander offers an extensive array of pathology-related resources, including introductory histology.
- For a survey of literature on the application of computational methods for analysis of pathology images, see "Computational Pathology: A Survey Review and The Way Forward," by M.S. Hosseini, et al., at arXiv.
- Electron microscopy: Electron Microscopic Atlas of cells, tissues and organs in the internet.
- Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed., online textbook by Bruce Alberts, et al., © 2002.
(This is "the classic in-depth text reference in cell biology," recommended as a refresher or solid introduction to topics in cell biology).
Questions, comments, or error notes: dgking@siu.edu
SIUC / School
of Medicine / Anatomy / David King
Last updated: 22 December 2024